Meet Richard!
Meet Richard! Richard is an Associate Minister with his church in San Diego. Richard has a reading disability, however, in the last several years, he has overcome all boundaries and obstacles by putting himself out there to do the most challenging jobs in his security profession. Today, he is a security officer that has worked in the community and outside the community. He has done security for the last three major Super Bowls, tennis matches, soccer games, concerts and sports events such as NASCAR. At times, he has also recruited potential event staff and security staff to work for numerous special events in the state of California. He has recruited for companies such as K-Tech Security and Odyssey, as well as his own business, Royalty Security. Richard does all this work, participates in all these events, not by travelling by car, but by using public transportation. He is always on time, and never makes excuses.
Richard receives services with Creel Industries, San Diego New Horizons, for independent living needs. These services have assisted him with his accessing community resources, accessing medical and dental services, reading correspondence , housing, social security benefits assistance, and meal preparation/cooking. Although Richard is unable to read, he continues to excel in programs such as Microsoft word, Excel and recently, the Google Calendar, with assistance of San Diego New Horizons.
Richard's philosophy is "If you see it through my eyes, all things are possible. One day at a time. Stay focused. The temptation is out there and people will steer you away from your goals and dreams."
Creel Industries is proud to highlight Richard's accomplishments!